Forskere over hele verden jobber med å optimalisere CO2-fangst, bruk og lagring. Norge er blant de fremste i denne utviklingen og BEFORM er koblet sammen som en industriell partner for nødvendig intern og infrastruktur.
Gjennom mer enn 25 års arbeid med leveranse av produkter til industrikunder over hele verden, har gitt oss en unik erfaring og konkurransefortrinn på området. BEFORM leverer ikke bare packings, men også et komplett utvalg av nødvendige prosesskomponent fremstilt termoplast og kompositt materialer.
Våre produkter brukes gjennomgående i et fangst anlegg for både karbon og SO2. Typsike bruksområder er renseanlegg for kraftverk, raffinerier og søppelforbrenning. Produktene er godt etablert og gjennomprøvet.
Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS)
Carbon Capture and storage is a technology that can capture up to 90% of the carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions produced from the use of fossil fuels in electricity generation and industrial processes, preventing the carbon dioxide from entering the atmosphere.
The first stage in the CCS process is the capture of CO2 released during the burning of fossil fuels, or as a result of industrial processes such as making cement, steel or in the chemical industry.
Capture technologies separate carbon dioxide from gases in electricity generation and may be done in at least three different ways: pre-combustion capture, post-combustion capture and oxy-fuel combustion. Similar methods are also used for industrial processes.
Expertise in Products Moulded in Thermoplastics and Glass Reinforced Composites
SMC Moulding gives the designer the freedom to style and develop complex, highly accurate mouldings consolidating a number of parts into a single component, with a high strength to weight ratio, excellent temperature stability and finish. SMC is a type of reinforced composite plastic, which principally consist of a thermosetting resin, glasfibre reinforcement and filler. SMC products offers good mechanical properties, excellent chemical resistance, temperature stability, low smoke and toxicity, electrical insulation and good paint ability among others.
Resin Transfer Moulding (RTM) is a low pressure moulding process, where a mix of resin and catalyst are injected into a closed mould containing a fibre pack or preform. When the resin has cured, the mould can be opened and the finished component removed.
R&D /Time to Market. Our team offers customers product development, prototyping, engineering and project management. New technologies like 3D printed tools is also a part of our workflow giving us a leading edge within quick time to market manufacturing.
Injection Moulding of Thermoplastics is a well-established process for manufacturing products with a wide range of styles, shapes and technical requirements. Injection Moulding offers high cycle time and competitive pricing for a large selection of different materials. The company has a full range of injection moulding machines from 25 and up to 500 tons clamping force offering thermoplastic products up to 1,5 kg weight.
Engineering and Development – In order to improve the products Biobe is together with universities and research organisations continuously analysing and optimising the process.