BEFORM har en meget høy kapasitet og fleksibilitet med over 70 sprøytestøpmaskinger, fra 20 til 1300 tonn klemkraft. Vi har lokal produksjon fordelt på 3 lokasjoner i Norge, for best mulig fleksibilitet og leveringsevne.
I BEFORM får du tilgang på designgjennomgang, simulering og prototyping fra en tidlig fase i din produktutvikling, for å sørge for at vår lange erfaring hjelper deg i riktig retning frem mot ferdig produksjon.
BEFORM har en svært erfaren kvalitetsavdeling med dokumentasjon og sertifiseringer som støtter forsvar, bilindustri, medisinsk, undervanns-, marine- og laboratorieutstyr. For å sørge for rask behandlingstid har vi også støpeverksteder på alle våre produksjonsenheter.
At BEFORM competance is an important concept. We beilieve competance is about knowledge at all levels no matter what position an employee holds in the company.
BEFORM is the leading, and in some areas, the only supplier of certain production methods in Norway. The combination of several different rare and specific production methods makes us the obvoius choice for clients who have very specific needs.
BEFORM is made up of a collection of companies: Biobe, HV Plast, and Katoplast. All of which have long and strong traditions for delivering the best possible product and experience for our customers. Tradition is valued and taken care of inn all companies. Put together in BEFORM, the tradition for excellence is stronger than ever.
Constantly monitoring and controlling the production and finished products assures the highest possible quality for our client and theis customers. BEFORM hold several certifications and has all the necessary skills and equipment to perform and maintain the highest level of quality controls.
All BEFORM facilities are located in eastern Norway, in close proximity to all major ports and airports. This central location of all our facilities ensures rapid delivere at a lower cost for out partners.
BEFORM prides itself in keeping strict timelines for development, production, and delivery in every project we take on. For our clients, punctuality is key, and they can rest easy, knowing the production and delivery will be up to standards and delivered on time.
With a long traditon of producing and delivering quality solutions for many partners and clients, BEFORM has a wast network of partners to reach out to for highly specific needs. This network of partners is one of our most important assets.